Bag Filters

RULA design, manufacture and supply bag filters for a wide range of Bulk Materials Handling applications

The filters range from bag areas from 4 to 275 square meters


The Reverse Pulse (RP) collectors are fabric filter, pulse units, and are designed to be installed in one section consisting of the bag-house and the clean air plenum.

Access is usually facilitated by a lid on the top of the filter section for installation of the filter bags and cages.

The pulse system and clean air outlet are usually mounted on the side of the Filter.

The product stream enters through the inlet in the bottom chamber and rises upwards around the filtration filter bags. The air stream then passes through the fabric bags where the solid particles are deposited on the outside of the bags into the clean air side of the filter and the filtrated air is exhausted from the collector outlet through the fan to atmosphere.

The dust collected on the outer surfaces of the filter bags is periodically removed by reversing the airflow through the bags using a compressed air ‘pulse’ system causing the collected dust to fall down the dirty air side chamber into the silo. Filter fabrics of various types can be installed to suit the relative application.

We will always design a Fan Filter Unit without compromising efficiency of dust cleaning system to suit the client’s requirements.

Rula manufactures several different types of Fan Filter Units:

Types manufactured

- Compact units where the fan is mounted directly on the filter unit

- Fan Filter units where the fan is mounted separately and connected to the fan by way of ducting

Important design features

- Optimised filtration velocity through the bags

- Reduced pressure losses through the bags

- Effective selection of filter bag material of a filter bag to suit the gas temperature, humidity, gas composition, and dust characteristics.

- Efficient removing of the dust layers on the outside of the bags

- High dust collection efficiency of fabric filters is around 99% or higher, and the dust concentration at the outlet is less than 10mg/m³N.

- Off the shelf diaphragms solenoid valves

- Off the shelf pulsing controllers

- Photophilic: Delta P Bag Cleaning Control Unit

- Limit the flow volume through bags with bypass valves over the fan.

Material of construction specifications

- Bodies: SANS 50025 Grade S 355 JR

- Bag fabric: Woven or non-woven fabric to suit application

- OR as per client requirements and specifications.


- Dust bag houses are purpose made in any size and shape to fit plant requirements

- Drilling arrangement to suit plant interface

Operating & Maintenance

- The filter system are Operator and Maintenance friendly

- A complete Operating & Maintenance manual is available

Photo Gallery

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