RULA design, manufacture and supply level switches for a wide range of applications
Description The Rula hopper level switch is specifically developed to accurately measure levels in storage silos or hoppers which is under constant vacuum. Thee level switch is mostly used in Fabric Filter Plants (FFP) and Electrostatic Precipitators (ESP) hoppers. Impulse piping is used to mount the level switch at an accessible level with the level measuring point at a higher level. Design Features - Specifically developed to accurately measure levels in storage silos or hoppers operating under constant vacuum. - Designed for use in Fabric Filter Plants (FFP) and Electrostatic Precipitators (ESP) hoppers for reliable level measurement. - Includes impulse piping to allow the level switch to be mounted at an accessible level, while the measuring point remains at a higher level for convenience and safety. Material of construction specifications - OR as per client requirements and specifications. Sizes Level switches are purpose made in any size and shape to fit plant requirements Operating & Maintenance - The level switches are Operator and Maintenance friendly - A complete Operating & Maintenance manual is available