Flap Valves


The purpose of the single flap valve is to provide a sealed air lock where the discharge above the valve is in a state of vacuum.

The flap valve forms a major component in the regulation of material flow.

RULA manufactures three distinct type of Flap Valves:

- Single Gravity Flap Valve

- Single Pneumatic / positioning Flap Valve

- Double Motorised Flap Valve

Acts as a shut-off mechanism in under pressure situations and to prevent a back draft going upstream

Types of actuation

Pneumatically and electrical motor actuated

Design Features

- Flap can be removed for maintenance without removing the complete valve

- Flap sensitivity is easily adjustable via flap adjustment bolt

- Material flow can be increased or decreased by adjusting the weights on the gravity arm

- Both the flap as well as the insert are of wear resistant materials

- The wear protected shut off disk is spring loaded to ensure an optimum sealing surface

- The primary seal plate is wear protected and ground to a very smooth finish ensuring smooth and even operation at all times

- Inspection covers allow easy visual inspection of all the wear and tear parts of the valve

- Ceramic lined outlet spouts can withstand extreme wear

- Control and Measuring of the material flow


Main valve body: SANS 50025 Grade S 355 JR or Stainless Steel

Insert: Hard wearing plate

Flap: Hard wearing plate

Shaft seals: Viton

- OR as per client requirements and specifications.


Valves are purpose made in a number of standard sizes to fit plant, and can be customised to fit specific plant dimensions and client requirements.

Drilling arrangement to suit plant interface

Operating & Maintenance

The valves are Operator and Maintenance friendly

A complete Operating & Maintenance manual is available

Photo Gallery

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