Wear resistant bends

RULA design, manufacture and supply wear resistant bends for a wide range of applications


The inside surface of pneumatic conveying pipes wear due to the friction of the particles against the inside surface of the pipes. The wear rate depends amongst other things on the conveying velocity and the type of product conveyed. In any conveying pipe the most wear occurs in bends (where the pipes change direction) and a short distance after the bend.

Types Manufactured

-Channel back bends

-Ceramic lined bends

Typical Applications

-Pneumatic conveying lines

-Vent pipes where abrasive material is vented.

Design Features

-Long radius bends – typical 1,500 mm mean radius.

Material specifications

Carbon steel pipes – SANS719, ASME ASTM

Carbon steel – S355RJ

Flanges – SANS1123, BS-EN, ANSI

- OR as per client requirements and specifications.


Manufactures for all standard pipe sizes - Typically 80NB – 400 NB.

Please contact Rula to discuss the correct wear protected bend for your application.

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