RULA design, manufacture and supply belt ploughs for a wide range of applications
The purpose of a belt conveyor plough is for applications where more than one conveyor discharge position is required and to divert product from the primary belt conveyor onto a secondary/intermediate bypass facility. Belt ploughs are designed to increase a belt conveyor’s material discharge control capabilities. Belt ploughs can release material on either side of the belt at pre-designated locations. The design incorporates a raising bed plate and idlers that allows the use of a plough even on troughed belts. Pneumatic or electric actuators are commonly used for operation. The function of the plough system for the conveyor is to transfer product from the primary belt conveyor to the alternative system when required. This transfer and activation of the plough will normally be required when the main stream storage facility are not in a position to receive product. The plough is operated by means of a hydraulic actuator with an integrated hydraulic power unit (HPU). This HPU will be controlled by the operator from the DCS or locally in the field on a LCP. The actuator operates as any other forward/reverse standard switchgear interfaced drive. The plough table should be in the down position when belt conveyor is routed to the alternative bypass system, and when the route is selected to the bypass system, the table should be in the up position. The up and down positions are monitored, as well as the plough table up position. The down position will be a protection for belt conveyor when the route is selected to the primary storage facility. When the route is selected for the bypass system and the plough table is in the up position which will be monitored, in order to determine if the plough and scraper are properly making contact with the belt, and that the belt is in the correct position: The Plough position is monitored and the Plough material on belt will monitor for any product passing the plough, when the table is in the up position. The plough position high, together with the material on belt will be used as a protection on the primary belt conveyor when the route is selected to the bypass system. The belt should stop if any of these controls are not in the correct state. This is in order to prevent any product being conveyed to the primary storage facility while they are not operational. When the bypass route is to be used, the primary belt conveyor must first be purged. Then the Operator must select the activation of the plough table and ensure it moves into its up position. The operator must make sure the plough table is in the up position. Before any conveyors are started the Principal Plant Operator (PPO) must perform a visual plant inspection. Design Features - Integrated belt flattening system. - High quality with durability and more than 98% availability. - Well engineered belt plough that operate to minimise product carry over. - Elegant and optimised material flow at transfer points. Material of construction specifications - Main steelwork: SANS 50025 Grade S 355 JR - Plough: SANS 50025 Grade S 355 JR, Wear protection in high wear areas - Liners: Ceramic tiles - OR as per client requirements and specifications. Sizes Majority of the belt widths installed have been between 450mm to 2000mm. Operating & Maintenance - The belt plough is operator and maintenance friendly. - A complete Operating & Maintenance manual is available.