Fixed Tripper

RULA design, manufacture and supply fixed trippers on belt conveyors for a wide range of Bulk Materials handling applications


The purpose of a belt conveyor tripper is for applications where more than one conveyor discharge position is required and to divert product from the primary belt conveyor onto an intermediate alternative facility.

A belt tripper consists of a structure with two pulley assemblies. As the belt passes over the upper pulley, the material is discharged from the belt into a collection chute. The material is then diverted to one side or both sides of the belt for discharge, or back onto the primary belt if the desired discharge position is at the end of the conveyor

The function of the fixed tripper system for the conveyor is to transfer product from the primary belt conveyor to the alternative system when required. This transfer and activation of the fixed tripper will normally be required when the main stream storage facility are not in a position to receive product

The fixed tripper head end flopper chute is operated by means of a hydraulic actuator with an integrated hydraulic power unit (HPU). This HPU will be controlled by the operator from the DCS or locally in the field on a LCP. The actuator operates as any other forward/reverse standard switchgear interfaced drive.

The fixed tripper deflector plate is selected to either direct product forward on the primary belt conveyor or deflect and re direct product to the secondary belt conveyor or storage facility. The diversion of product can be designed to split product in any proportional ratio to both primary belt conveyor as well as to the secondary system.

Design Features

- The conveyor belting travels through a set of pulleys which create the material “trip,” or discharge point and then redirects the belt back on to the idlers. This “pulley loop” is designed so the conveyor belting will experience a very limited amount of stress, eliminating the opportunity for premature wear and stretching

- High quality with durability and more than 98% availability

- Well engineered v plough that operate to minimise product carry over

- Elegant and optimised material flow at transfer points

Material of construction specifications

- Main steelwork: SANS 50025 Grade S 355 JR

- Flopper gate: SANS 50025 Grade S 355 JR, Wear protection in high wear areas

- Liners: Ceramic tiles or wear plates

- OR as per client requirements and specifications.


Majority of the belt widths installed have been between 450mm to 2000mm

Operating & Maintenance

- The belt fixed tripper is operator and maintenance friendly

- A complete Operating & Maintenance manual is available

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