Steel hoppers

RULA design, manufacture and supply steel hoppers for a wide range of Bulk Materials handling applications


The steel hoppers are an integral component used in bulk materials handling systems. These bins are basic storage or surge bins that require good discharge flow, reducing hang ups and blockages. The hoppers can be supplied with either flat bottoms or wedged bottom sections with side or bottom discharge.

Typical application

Silo discharges

Design features

- - High quality with durability and more than 98% availability

- DEM flow simulations to have efficient flow geometry

- Hopper plate wall thickness optimisation to reduce cost

- Liners as required to optimise flow and wear

Material of construction specifications

Main steelwork: SANS 50025 Grade S 355 JR

Plate work: SANS 50025 Grade S 355 JR

Liners: Glass, Ceramic, HDPE, UMHP, VRN Plate liners

- OR as per client requirements and specifications.


- Steel hoppers are purpose made in any size and shape to fit plant requirements

- Drilling arrangement to suit plant interface

Operating & Maintenance

- The hoppers system are Operator and Maintenance friendly

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